The Presidential Ear

by craig nelms

I watched a video, back in 2021, in which the Amazon Alexa “virtual assistant” responded to a question. The question was, “Where is Joe Biden?”

Alexa said, “Joe Biden died at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland.”

I found that rather interesting because I had noticed a definite difference in Joe Biden’s appearance, from Vice-President Biden to President Biden. I won’t go into too much detail here; if the reader hasn’t already seen a difference in his appearance I would be surprised. The main stream media is already running cover for him by saying he had plastic surgery. It goes much further than that, which I will show you with a simple slam dunk. Look at his ear lobe.

In that shot his ear lobe is attached.

Here it is not attached.

In this one his ear lobe is attached.

In this one his ear lobe is unattached, but not by as much as in the second shot above.

In this one his ear lobe is completely unattached. This is a shot of Vice-Prez Biden. I could point out that this original Biden had a different nose, but lets stick with the ear. You can also see that the cartilage of the ear is shaped differently too. In facial recognition the ear is the give-away.

Here his ear lobe is attached again, as he refers to “President Harris”. Who is that guy?

So… who has plastic surgery to have their ear lobe attached? How many “Bidens” are there?

Now you look at the images you see going forward and compare. The ear lobe is a slam dunk.

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