Rambling Truth

by craig nelms

The Truth is always simple, lies are complex and evolving.

There are those who want to “get me” because of things that I say, particularly here on my poor man’s blog, and also due to comments that I make. To those I say come on and try. But you will have to wait in line, because those who have already been trying, for years, no less, are unlikely to let you cut in. In fact I can guarantee they won’t let you get anywhere near me. Of course I don’t really know if any of these messages sent out on the intronet are going anywhere, like a message in a bottle, tossed in the ocean. But I try.

So lets talk about something more productive. Some of you believe in this make believe concept called “The Rapture”. I can tell you plain and simply that it isn’t going to happen. No, you will have to live out this school year and take the final exam. Don’t let those ones play on your fears. And why do you fear, anyway? You have been through this many times already. Nobody that is here in the Creation right now is on their first go-round, I can assure you. Not this close to the end of the cycle.

From a practical perspective its ridiculous anyway, if you are aware of reality. I have shown you a very good look at reality in my post titled “Truth And Revelation”, which I should reread and repost so that it will be near the front on this blog. I’ll get to it. You have a permanent body that resides “upstairs” on the mid-plane or what I like to call the dream plane. Because you, the spiritual/energy being which you truly are, does not need sleep, you return to that body every time your earth-bound body sleeps. And also in death, or should you be unconscious or in a coma or a near-death experience. You can move back and forth between bodies in a snap, or in a long slow awakening. Those things you think are dreams are your short term memories of what you were doing in your permanent body; they often make no sense because the physics are different there and they fade quickly because they have no relation to the life you are leading now, in that temporary earth-bound body.

So, having refreshed our memory of what I have already written, how silly is it to think you are going to return to the dream plane, the heavens but not Heaven, in your current body? Why would you want to? Your permanent body does not age nor does it get sick. What do you need with two bodies anyway? To stand side by side so you can jump back and forth? The old, sickly earth body and your perfectly healthy and vigorous body which resides on the dream plane, which do you think you would choose? Keep in mind that your permanent body has been there for you for a long, long time; the duration of several, if not many earth lives.

You ones are living in the system of the beast, so to speak, and what is the beast but a liar? All around you are lies upon lies. But you don’t have to be a super sleuth to graduate, you only have to trust your Creator. Have faith, right? But have faith in what? That there is a God? No! It should be blatantly obvious there is a Creator and if you have any doubts then yes, be the sleuth, because the proof is there. Instead you should have faith that your Creator cares about you!

This experience is not an experience of atoms and ions, this is an existence of frequency waves. “As above, so below”. The frequency wave is the same above the median line as it is below the median line, otherwise it wouldn’t be the median line. Things that appear solid or stopped are just moving far slower than you are, like speeding past a slowly walking man. He appears stopped but he’s moving. However the frequency wave has other aspects in our lives. You can see it all around you, in the waves coming up onto the beach, then moving back out. In your breath entering your lungs and then moving back out. In the change of the seasonal temperatures from cold to hot and back again. The movement of the Sun and the Moon. The leaves that appear on the branches, then fall away only to reappear next year.

Even more, your experiences are like the frequency wave. You have a good experience and the wave is up, then a bad experience and the wave moves down. These experiences will balance across your median line. If you are having a great time and everything is going well, beware! The other half of the frequency will arrive. Better that it arrives sooner rather than later, so that the wave doesn’t build up too high on one side of the line, only to fall far below it later. If your life is nothing but good times all the way until you die, then that negative side of the wave will happen after you die. Make no mistake. Karma is a description of the actions of the frequency wave. “What goes around, comes around”. Its not limited to the body in which you currently dwell, but will follow the true you, the spiritual/energy being you are, made in the image of our Creator.

To some people everything is either awesome or it sucks! There’s no in between. But yet the Truth is generally found in between, not at the extremes. I always try to maintain an even level, a zen, if you will. I don’t need the highest highs, knowing they will be followed by the lowest lows. A little bit of a good time is ok and maybe the negative wave won’t be as deep, the events as bad. If you like the roller coaster then live it! It’s your choice. That’s what this experience is about, making your own choices, revealing your true self to our Creator and to all of us who watch.

I don’t let those who want to get me break my zen.

One thought on “Rambling Truth

  1. The rapture? Yeah – no. I agree. It’s not gonna happen; not in the biblical sense.

    I do sometimes read through the Book of Revelation, but it’s just to see where Man is on that timeline. *I do enjoy some comedy and a little tragedy, now and then* LoL

    I’ll keep a look out for your repost “Truth and Revelation.”
    I look forward to reading it

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