
by craig nelms

I have a functioning pineal gland. So what? You must not. Based on my experiences I would bet there’s not a functional pineal gland in a million people; I have never met another individual who had a functioning pineal gland. They’ve done it to you, with their industrial fluoride. Probably with other things too, I don’t know and I’m not afraid to admit that. I’m writing this based on my real world experiences, daily experiences, not from sitting in a classroom or learning about it online (which I have also done).

I’m an empath; I can feel your emotions and more. Emotion, e-motion, energy in motion. I often get the intentions of others as well, intentions are powerful things, and sometimes an actual thought, not usually a complete sentence but a few words conveying meaning. I’ve always been this way but I thought everyone else was, too. Once I learned about fluoride’s effect on the pineal gland I started distilling my water and I began brushing my teeth with baking soda to make my pineal gland all it could be. For almost ten years I drank no sodas but instead distilled water with lemon slices. There are two types of fluoride; natural fluoride is found in tea and other places, but industrial fluoride, actually fluorosilisic acid, is not natural. That’s what they put in the water and the toothpaste. Over time, industrial fluoride will calcify your pineal gland into a non-functioning rock.

But there’s more; I can detect frequencies, EMF. It can be uncomfortable at times and needless to say I don’t carry a cell phone. It can be uncomfortable just using this laptop which depends on wi-fi for its internet connection. I try not to lean in too close. I am a walking electro-magnetic field detector and if I let myself experience a field for a while, sort of riling up or inflaming my brain, I can detect a lot more. You should be able to do that as well, but before we go there, let me give you an example situation that occurred a few years ago.

You see, I always have the goons on me. They want to control me, they want to capture me, but they don’t dare kill me so that limits them. Why that should be is another story. At any rate, I had mentioned to this goon who was posing as a manager at the dealership where I was a mechanic that I was sensitive to EMF as an explanation for why I didn’t have a cell phone. He took more note of that than I realized at the time. Later, when we had a minor disagreement, he wanted to argue about the Sept. 11th attacks and I refused to discuss it, he set up a beacon upstairs, where I had no access, right over my lift and work area.

Now, there was nothing visible but to me it seemed like someone had turned on a spotlight over my work area, clear as day. There’s really no word to describe how I feel, or see, with my pineal gland. The closest I can come to describing it is that I see it, in some cases, but not with my eyes. Most of the time I feel it in my brain and I can tell from which direction it is coming. At any rate, I decided to try and tough it out for the rest of the day but by 4 o’clock I had a fair headache going and I left work early. With my brain “sensitized” I could detect/feel every frequency on my way home and even out here, almost twenty miles out of town, I could still feel some EMF.

I turned off the power supply for the electronics in the house, including and most importantly the router, but there was still a frequency. My sister keeps a cell phone in the kitchen as a home phone and I took that, put it in a plastic bag and walked it over a hundred yards away and left it there. But there was still a frequency and I walked around, trying to locate it. It was a field rather than a beam. Finally I was walking around the outside of the house, I stay in a finished room in the shop, a separate building, and I came up to a post which had an old cable TV dish on it. The field was coming from the dish, even though we hadn’t watched TV or even had that service for years. Once I unplugged the coaxial cable leading to the dish the field cut off and I could relax.

You are supposed to be able to do this, too, but the psychos wouldn’t have been able to get you all to carry those cell phone/two-way radios if you could feel the EMF the way I can. So they hit you with that industrial fluoride to limit you down and now you are surrounded by frequencies that you can’t even feel. They have degraded you from what you should have been. You wouldn’t be riding in those electric vehicles either, with their electro-magnetic fields. Even those big, black flat screen TV’s put out a lot of EMF; to me it often feels like a heat lamp blasting at my face, which is why my 50+ inch flat screen sits on a shelf in the shop, unused. What are these frequencies doing to your health? Me, when I detect a frequency I move away from it, but if you can’t detect it you can’t look out for yourself. They’ve done it to you.

Also I use magnets. In a previous writing I mentioned that one can block an electro-magnetic field with heavy duty aluminum foil or other conductive material, even steel or stainless. I have a stainless tray, about 2′ x 3′ that I set between myself and the smart meter up on the house when I sleep. But the psychos really want to get me any way they can, without risking killing this body and they can power through even the six layers of heavy duty aluminum foil and one layer of aluminum screen that cover the full-face motorcycle helmet which I wear when I sleep. But they can’t power through a magnet.

I didn’t mention magnets before because you really have to be able to tell that you’re being attacked and from what direction in order to put that magnet in between for protection. You can’t just throw magnets around, as one video I watched said, because the field of the magnet is not that big, but within the field it blocks or disrupts EMF. I can tell you this from much first hand experience. My sleep helmet is covered with magnets but there are gaps and sometimes I can feel them trying to get through.

So in frustration they attack my body, hitting me with pulses to make my muscles jump or hitting my organs with fields that cause gradual pain. Also they hit my teeth, which causes them to crack and chip. I have tried many methods but it is harder to sleep inside a large box lined with foil than to just take the punishment. This body isn’t going to last forever and I’m ready to return. I get by and our Creator looks out for me.

So in order for you to defend yourself using magnets, you would have to be able to tell from where the attack is coming and without a functioning pineal gland you can’t. For example, right now I have a three magnet array attached to a soft beanie cap sitting right over my pineal gland on my head. It seems that someone who can’t detect the EMF would have to use a lot of magnets and still not know for sure. So I don’t know how much good this writing will do for you and that’s the reason I have put off writing it.

Its been fun finding magnets all around, in various things, to use for defense. The magnets on my head right now, for example, came from a desk top hard drive and a Harley Davidson motorcycle generator rotor. I’ve got magnets from speakers and from a couple of winches and more. Or I’m sure you can order them online. The shape of the magnet can change the shape of the field so all are not the same.

One interesting thing; the magnet immediately takes away any discomfort from an EMF attack. For example, if I can feel a beam hitting me on a certain spot on my head, I can just put a magnet there and it not only blocks the beam but it almost instantly takes away any pain from the attack. There’s no pain medication that can do that. My theory about this has to do with magnetite, which is concentrated in the brain and has a magnetic orientation. It seems that the EMF causes the magnetite to vibrate but the magnet immediately stills it back to what it should be. It may also change the orientation of the magnetite (do the research) but that’s beyond my real-world ability to determine.

As a side note, and I’m not a doctor but I’ll say what I want, I wonder if migraine headaches might be caused by EMF. Maybe your pineal gland is still working, at least a little. If you get a migraine, try putting a strong magnet, not a refrigerator magnet, near the spot of pain and see what happens. I haven’t experienced any side effects from the magnets but it makes me laugh, thinking back. At one time people use to wear a magnet on a bracelet to give some sort of health benefit and I thought it was a bad idea, thinking it might pull the iron out of the blood stream. But now I have them directly on my body and head. Who-da-thunk-it.

This is just a little window into my life, this time around, and into EMF attacks; I hope it helps.

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